We offer banner advertising!
Our ad package includes placement on www.cubastandard.com, www.cubanews.com, as well as on a free newsletter that goes out to 7,000-plus Cuba-oriented readers.
•3×3 banner ads on the right margin for $250 per month, or $500 for three months.
•8×1 headline banner for $400 per month, or $800 for three months.
•The combo headline + right margin for $600/month, or $1,200 for three months.
Ask us about our great rebates for 6-month and one-year commitments!
Ad specifications
The document should be under 50 kb. Right-hand side ads must be 180×150 pixels; headline banner artwork must be 468×60 pixels. Size should be under 50kb.
Contact Johannes Werner, (941) 702-8614, johanneswerner@cubastandard.com